Monday, November 23, 2009

Conversations with Sole Part II

¨Porque has de saber que soy una mezcla de aventurero y burgués con una apetencia de hogar terrible pero con ansias de realizar lo soñado¨-Che Guevara to his wife Aleida March.
(Because you have to know that I am a mix of an adventurer and bourgeousis with a terrible need for home but with anxieties to realize the dream)

I was standing in the doorway of our kitchen, talking to Sole, as always.

¨Sole,¨ I was saying, as she scrubbed the kitchen floor. ¨I only have a week left here in Rosario. I´m so sad to leave.¨

¨ Yes, I will miss you. We will miss you. But, even though you are tall like a woman, you´re still a girl. Only 20! You need to go back to the United States because that´s where your family is. You need to go be with them, they are your family.¨

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