Monday, August 17, 2009

Wilsonville, OR, USA

I haven't told anyone my web address for this blog yet...but I can't wait.

I've been tweaking it for a few weeks now, and with fourteen days until I embark on this epic adventure, I thought it might be time to jot a few thoughts down.

I have been dreaming of South America for years. I've been taking Spanish classes since 6th grade, but it wasn't until college, and especially my Latino/Chicano studies class, that I realized how much I didn't know about the continent. I knew there were Aztecs and Mayans and Incas, but I probably couldn't tell you where. I knew that there was some political upheaval, but wouldn't have been able to name any dates or important political figures.
Since then, I've taken more classes, read more books, and finally have a better understanding of our neighbors to the south.

But it is still a two dimensional understanding. I have read about Las Madres de la plaza de Mayo, I have underlined phrases in Pablo Neruda's poetry, I have watched the Motorcycle Diaries, I have given 10 minute speeches in Spanish. But I have never watched the mothers march in protest of their still missing children, never smelled the salt air in Valparasio in La Sebastiana, never ridden down a road uncertain of my destination. My Spanish is stilted, and often times get stuck and snarled in my American tongue. Living in the middle of metropolitan Argentina will mold my understanding and give it a living, breathing, heavily accented, voice.

I will write. And hopefully often. Writing has always helped me make sense in uncertain circumstances. I hope this blog will be entertaining and a way to keep in touch with all of you that I love so much, when I am so far away.If you send me your address, I will write to you. And if you want to write to me, here is my address:

Lizzie Falconer
Sarmiento 425 1 piso Dto 1
Rosario 2000

I will write again soon, but I have no idea where I'll be or when.

(How exciting!)